The Organisational Structure is the most important element in SAP WM. It is the link between the Inventory Management in MM and WM. It helps you understand all the movements whether they are internal Warehouse movements, Goods Placements or Stock Removal etc.
The warehouse structure in Warehouse Management is hierarchical. The following are the important elements in WM Hierarchy.
Warehouse Number
It is used to define a complex warehouse complex in WM. This Number is used in all warehouse movements.
Storage Type
Each of the warehouse consists of areas that make up the warehouse complex. These areas called storage type. A Warehouse can have physical as well as logical storage types. Each storage type is divided into storage sections. A storage section generally includes all bins that have certain characteristics in common depending upon their use.
Storage Bin
Each storage type and storage section consists of a row of storage spaces which are called storage bins in WM. The coordinates of the bins tell us what materials need to be stored in them.
The quant is the combination of a material and a storage bin.
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